Dear Rebecca Tozzi,
Thank you very much for shopping at the Coldplay Shop.
Your order number is 4295993. Please note that this is an important reference number and you will need to quote it should you have any further queries.
A total of £54.99 will be billed to your credit card upon shipment of your order. *If one or more items are out of stock or on pre-order only, all items will be held until the full order can be fulfilled.
Please check the summary of your order below and in the event of any discrepancies please email ColdplayShop@iforcegroup.com as soon as possible.
Qty x Description - Size - Options, Unit Price
1 x 7 Inch Collection, £49.99
Total £49.99
Shipping = £5.00
Total = £54.99
Thank you for visting the Coldplay Shop
Insomma....queste sono soddisfazioni.
Grazie alla mia Rebecchina...
1 interventi:
Nooooo lo volevo anche io :(
Ma dovevo scegliere tra il cofanetto e i Muse a Wembley, ho scelto la seconda : )
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