It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known
A dying scream

It makes no sound
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Here am I, lost and found
Calling out to all
We live a dying dream
If you know what I mean
All that I've ever known
It's all that I've ever known
Catch the wind that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name from out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Catch the wind that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name from out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known
Questa è la canzone che più merita del nuovo album degli Oasis. Un vero capolavoro, la chicca che Noel DEVE concedere ai suoi fan.
Per il resto non mi piace un granché questo nuovo lavoro...Decisamente il peggiore della storia degli Oasis, anche se il più beatlesiano.
In ogni caso mi godo questo lavoro, in attesa che i Bros tornino in Italia per celebrarli dal vivo...
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